MCB111: Mathematics in Biology (Fall 2024)

__week 00: 04/06 Sep
Sampling from a probability distribution
[Lecture notes]

__week 01: 09/11/13 Sep
Information Theory
[Lecture notes]

__week 02: 16/18/20 Sep
Probability and Inference
[Lecture notes]

__week 03: 23/25/27 Sep
Model comparison - Hypothesis testing
[Lecture notes]

__week 04: 30/02/04 Sept-Oct
Significance: The Student’s t-test and p-values
[Lecture notes]

__week 05: 07/09/11 Oct
Maximum likelihood and least-squares
[Lecture notes]

__week 06: 16/18 Oct
Probabilistic models and Inference
[Lecture notes]

__week 07: 21/23/25 Oct
Probabilistic Models and Expectation Maximization
[Lecture notes]

__week 08: 28/30/01 Oct-Nov
Neural Networks - Learning as inference
[Lecture notes]

__week 09: 04/06/08 Nov
Random Walks in Biology
[Lecture notes]

__week 10: 11/13/15 Nov
Molecular Dynamics as a Markov Process
[Lecture notes]

__week 11: 18/20/22 Nov
Feedback Control in Biological Interactions
[Lecture notes]

__week 12: 25/02 Nov-Dec
Genetic switches
[Lecture notes]

__week 13: 04 Dec
Pattern formation and Turing Instability
[Lecture notes]

__ 06 Dec__ Final out at 09:00
__ 20 Dec__ Final due at 09:00